Two lizards manage to hang onto our garage wall, even after they both are long dead. Weird, eh? I guess maybe they had a territorial battle, and neither one would concede?
Click on the picture to get a close-up view of the carnage!!!
So-called "blogging" is dumb, stupid, weird, idiotic and nincompoopy. My goal to to end all unneccessary blogging. It is one thing, if you you are famous, and hundreds read what you say, but if you are a nobody, nobody cares about your 2 cents!!!
reminds me of the days my brother and i would use wrist rockets (fancy slinghot) or bb guns to hunt the poor creatures around our house.
When I lived in Canada, we would blow up large slugs on the sidewalk with firecrackers!
i too recall hunting lizards with my brother. we evolved as hunters, first slapping them with sticks, then shooting them with slingshots and finally bb-guns.
the delight i took in killing them shames me today.
33 and i must have had a similar upbringing. ;)
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