Sunday, March 1, 2009

I Don't Care How Many People Are In Your Family!!!

What is with these people that put either two larger stick figures along with X number of smaller stick figures or two larger flip flops with X number of smaller flip flops on their vehicle's back window? Guess what? I really don't care how many people dwell in your household! End of story.


arcturus88 said...

i dont mind it. in fact, i kind of think its cute. when i see it i usually say "awww how sweeeeet!". anyways, why pick on these folk, isnt it better than all the negative stickers out there? y'know like "bush sucks" or "ac/dc road to hell!!" or "horn broke watch for finger"...

i mean why pick on these nice folk that are simply proud of their family?

Aufgeblassen said...

Because it makes me SUPERIOR to pick on people! (hehe)